
The best of the kitchen according to eco-social designer Luca Gnizio

2017-07-07 Answering the Food&Kitchen questionnaire today is eco-social designer Luca Gnizio.
Born in Lodi 36 years ago, the famous designer has been pouring his heart and soul into eco-sustainable design for some time now. He uses recycled materials from different industrial sources to create highly innovative, ethical furnishings inspired by nature and the urban environment.
Gnizio involves a range of players in his work, from manufacturers – some of them big names like BMW – to charities. He patents original production processes, forging brand new materials and objects which inspire different ways of thinking and feeling.
Luca, what do you think, when entering your kitchen?
What ingredients can I put together? What do they go with? Then it’s a whirlwind of cupboard doors and kitchen drawers. Things come to life and I start thinking what’s most appetising. I find it fascinating that when you make something new, there are traces of flavours and recipes from before. That makes it sound like I eat a load of rubbish, but I’m sure you understand what I mean… Being able to recycle things in the kitchen is amazing too. I think cooking is pure creativity. Real chefs are the ones who can make incredible dishes from “nothing”.”
What dish best represents your life, and why?
That’s a difficult question for a foodie. Offhand I’d say raw fish. I often joke that I’d eat it for breakfast if I could. But actually, I think my favourite food of all is lasagne. I’ve always thought it’s the best pasta dish around, maybe because I didn’t used to eat it that often. Who knows?».
What wine gets your heart racing?
I’ll tell you in Sicilian dialect, because that’s where my roots are: niuriddu mascalisi. In other words Nerello Mascalese, which comes from a vineyard perched up high on the north face of Mount Etna, in the Province of Catania. It’s got an intense, sumptuous flavour. It’s unique. Not surprising really, because the soil there is rich in ash, mineral salts and sand from the highest active volcano in Europe. Not only is it delicious, I’m also intrigued by its history and tradition.” What is the top in the kitchen, according to you? “When I try out a new recipe, and obviously I’m the one who has to try it out, and I realise it’s not so bad after all ….” (to be continued)

Mariagrazia Villa