How to make Mosaic of Cuttlefish in Ink
Have you got the ingredients together to make
Mosaic of Cuttlefish in Ink? Good: now we’ll explain how to make this seafood appetiser, as beautiful to look at as it is easy to make. White brushstrokes against a black background create a different look on every plate.
The recipe is by
Paolo Lopriore, the chef at
Ristorante “Il portico” in Appiano Gentile, in the province of Como, an instructor at
ALMA-International School of Italian Cooking.
Here’s how to construct Mosaic of Cuttlefish in Ink.
Soak gelatine in cold water.
Clean cuttlefish and wash well.
Then separate the head from the body.
Cook cuttlefish in plenty of salted water for a few seconds.
Then cool right away.
Now, bring seawater to boil.
Add olive oil and cuttlefish ink.
Remove from heat and add squeezed gelatine.
Put the mixture into a cylindrical container.
Add cuttlefish.
Freeze in a blast chiller for 12 hours.
?Presentation and garnish:
Use a slicing machine to cut the mixture into four slices half a centimetre thick.
Rest them on four individual serving plates.
Flavour with grated lemon peel, olive oil and minced parsley just before serving.
Add Trapani sea salt and pepper to taste.
Mariagrazia Villa
Recipe: chef Paolo Lopriore (“Il Portico” in Appiano Gentile, Como).
Recipe source: Luciano Tona, Arturo Delle Donne, Andrea Sinigaglia (a cura di),
Gusto Italiano. Cucina contemporanea dei maestri Alma, Edizioni Plan, Milan, 2012.
Photograph of dish: Arturo Delle Donne.