Federica Barbaranelli, Italian hotelier and restaurateur living in Spain, shares the recipe for her favourite dessert: pear and chocolate crumble with lemon curd made with lemons from her garden, perfect to prepare on her SapienStone Bright Onyx kitchen countertop.
. Read moreDespite the craziness that 2020 has brought upon us, this year we have learned that quality time spent with our loved ones is a treasure. Right now is prime time to get in the holiday spirit with family and friends to create something special this season atop your kitchen countertops, whether it be from a safe, social distance or via a Zoom call!
. Read moreA light, unusual recipe enhanced by apple vinegar with raspberries, black Cyprus salt, chamomile petals and cress or mustard shoots. Taken from the book “Fiori e frutta in cucina” (Terra Nuova Edizioni), by chef Antonio Zucco
Read moreOne hundred original recipes, from first courses to desserts, to discover and experiment with elegant pairings that are healthy and full of flavour, from tomato, watermelon and taggiasca olive salad, to risotto with blueberries and goat’s cheese, grilled apples and violet petals.
Read moreIn our last post we listed the ingredients of this first course by 2 Michelin-starred chef and owner of the restaurant “La Madia” in Licata, Sicily, and today we will see how to make it. We’ll also learn how to make a red mullet ragout and a wild fennel sauce.
Read moreA first course that reinterprets typical Sicilian street food with simplicity and elegance. The recipe is by Pino Cuttaia, a 2 Michelin-starred chef, who, together with his wife Loredana, owns the restaurant “La Madia” in Licata, in the province of Agrigento
Read moreCarmine Coviello and Davide Mondin are the authors of an interesting study: the first study in Italy entirely dedicated to legal protection of a creative work of gastronomy, from the recipe to the final dish
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